
Activity Working Hours

Here is how to set your business activity working hours for each day of the week:

Start by tapping the burger on top left > Settings > tap Activity Hours palette (a summary scroller is available on the palette itself).

The Planner enables you to set each day of the week in one of 4 different options. Accordingly, the mainboard timetable columns will change immediately.

Per each day of the week, do this:

Default – This will set the daily activity hours as defined in the top header of the page. To change the Default value, tap “Add a Default Time Segment” and add a new start and end time. Delete irrelevant segments or add multiple segments if you need a split activity day (for example, first segment 10:00-14:00, then another segment 18:00-23:00 – means the business is closed between 14:01-17:59

Custom Segment – tap on the “Custom Segment” cell to set any time segment required. Multiple segments are allowed as described above

Closed – tap on “Closed” so the mainboard is closed for this day and will not enable reservations

All Day – tap “00:01-23:59” to set the mainboard for this day opened and available 24 hrs.

Remember to SAVE changes!
Return to the mainboard to check it has been updated as needed.

– If you have a reservation outside of the current daily activity as defined, a red banner will appear indicating reservations outside the activity hours. This could happen if, say, a reservation is made, for example, to TUE between 21:00-23:00, but then activity hours for TUE have been changed, for example, to 16:00-20:00! The planner will alert you that there are hidden reservations. To solve this, head back to activity settings and try to set TUE for “All Day” to see all reservations
– When setting “Custom Segment” – avoid overlapping time segments